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Norfolk Farms / Issue 29

Spring 2024

Horticulture important in Norfolk County

There was a day, not that long ago, when Norfolk County was known as tobacco country. 

Today, a wide diversity of crops are grown, but the emphasis has switched to horticulture. Welcome to Norfolk Farm News, Issue #29. We hope you enjoy this issue, if you would like to receive a paper copy of this issue please contact Dave at


Norfolk Farms / Issue 26

Summer 2023

Canada’s Cornucopia

They all agreed. Dollier and Galinee -French missionary priests, Colonel Sir Thomas Talbot, Governor Sir John Graves Simcoe -all from the ‘Old World’, said the same thing. That what was to become Norfolk County, was indeed a veritable ‘Garden Of Eden’ ...without the forbidden fruit. And, so it was. And, so it is. Canada’s cornucopia. Welcome to Norfolk Farms, Issue #26. Thank you for reading.


Norfolk Farms / Issue 23

Fall 2022

Did you know? On August 20, 2009, there were 19 tornadoes in southern Ontario? That was Canada’s largest single-day twister outbreak to date.

Did you know? The coldest day in Canada on record was Feb. 3, 1947, when the temperature in the Yukon was -63 degrees Celsius, or -81.4 degrees Fahrenheit? 




Norfolk Farms / Issue 20

Winter 2022

Norfolk County is known as ‘Ontario’s Garden’. In this issue, we put a microscope on the farming, processing and consumption of a heavy-weight in that garden: potatoes.

This county contributes significantly to Ontario’s high levels of production, with about 4,000 acres of land being farmed for potatoes.




Norfolk Farms / Issue 16

Winter 2021

In this issue, Norfolk Farms puts its ‘eyes’ on potatoes in Norfolk County. 

A valuable component of ‘Ontario’s Garden’, the 2016 census confirms Norfolk’s potato acreage is number one for the province. 

Check out our special section dedicated to a crop representing huge business in Norfolk. Beyond the statistical analysis, we believe you will enjoy a feature on Charles ‘Chuck’ Emre’s innovative...


Norfolk Farms / Issue 13

Spring 2020

Benefits of Soil and Crop
Improvement Association

What do student bursaries, rainfall charts, webinar workshops and producer education seminars have in common?

All are activities associated with the Norfolk Soil and Crop Improvement Association, held for the benefit of local farmers. Soil testing, conservation management and environmental

farm plans along with research...

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Norfolk Farms / Issue 10

Summer 2019

Norfolk Farms launched its inaugural edition in February 2017. The focus of the publication is to explore and publicize the vast diversity of farming across the county. No stand- alone publication existed to reach only farmers of Norfolk and draw attention to the unique needs, innovations and stories that identify the county. 

The publication, four times per year, features articles about the land, the working farmers and the food products they bring to market. 


Norfolk Farms / Issue 28

Winter 2024

There is not a vegetable so widely used in North America, as is the potato. The potato just never seems to go out of style - and certainly never goes ‘stale’. There is a ready and enthusiastic demand for potatoes, no matter what the time of day, no matter what the day of year. Welcome to Norfolk Farm News, Issue #28. We hope you enjoy this issue, if you would like to receive a paper copy of this issue please contact Dave at


Norfolk Farms / Issue 25

Spring 2023

At Norfolk Farms, we are committed to bringing you the latest stories and insights from the world of agriculture and farming. In our Spring 2023 Issue, we have uncovered some remarkable tales that highlight the resilience, innovation, and passion of farmers and agribusinesses. Enjoy our latest issue!





Norfolk Farms / Issue 22

Summer 2022

I want to compliment you on putting out such a great issue for Winter 2022. The sexy cover model Thistle with her owner Charlotte was an eye-catching touch.

The extra length issue was every bit as good as the others I have read. It’s really good to keep up with all that is happening in our wonderful Norfolk County. It is certainly one of the best places in the world to live which you keep showing us in ever publication.

Keep it up!!  Rick Corewin



Norfolk Farms / Issue 19

Fall 2021

It is said that nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up.

This can also be said about seeds.

We’ve all seen seeds sprout in various places. Still to this day, scientists don’t fully understand what happens inside of a seed to make it come to life. Yes, sunlight, air and water are needed for germination, but it’s still a baffling explosion of life.




Norfolk Farms / Issue 15

Fall 2020

Seed an essential part of family. Seeds are the essence of life.  Without seeds, there would be no plants and the cycle of life wouldn’t continue. To farmers, seeds are the beginning of the cycle – part of a ritual that starts in the spring with planting and ends in the fall with harvest. From seeding greenhouses to planting grain crops in the field to planting fruit tree saplings and tobacco plants, farmers know this is a new beginning. 


Norfolk Farms / Issue 12

Winter 2020

The editorial lineups in the
February 2020 issue include:

Also in this issue a piece about Lexie Reid, from the Boston area, who is studying to be a veterinarian in Guelph, and has joined Veterinarians Without Boarders. Lexie travelled to Africa with the group to work on conservation efforts for the White Rhino. While in Africa, Lexie is working with the dairy industry. And so much more...


Norfolk Farms / Issue 27

Fall 2023

From small beginnings, to big developments. It is the seed. The ultimate blueprint. Just add water and behold!

The 6 most important seeds are: rice, barley, wheat, oats, maize and rye.

Please read-on as this issue explores the world of seeds and saplings. Welcome to Norfolk Farm News, Issue #27. We hope you enjoy this issue, if you would like to receive a paper copy of this issue please contact Dave at


Norfolk Farms / Issue 24

Winter 2023

Well, it may be a simple nursery rhyme, but we do like our potatoes -mashed, and otherwise. And, especially, those delicious French fries! Just salt and malt. French fries are pretty much a favourite the world-over. Just ask the McCain empire, the largest producer of French fries on the planet.





Norfolk Farms / Issue 21

Spring 2022

Long known as a tobacco-producing county, Norfolk County farmers have proven their resilience by evolving to other crops in the past few decades.

Today, Norfolk County touts itself as Ontario’s Garden. According to the 2016 Census of Agriculture by Statistics Canada, Norfolk is the leading producer of asparagus, tart cherries, pumpkins, ginseng and peppers in the country. 



Norfolk Farms / Issue 17

Spring 2021

The 17th issue of Norfolk Farms features fruits and vegetables grown in Norfolk County. The last Canadian census informed us that 17 crops grown in Norfolk are number 1 in acreage in Ontario or in Canada. Over 196,000 acres of horticulture production takes place on an annual basis. These crops are shipped across Ontario and into the USA to consumers. In this issue look for apple varieties and their traits with information provided by the Apple Place ...


Norfolk Farms / Issue 14

Summer 2020

It’s no secret that times are a bit tough and unpredictable right now for so many people, right across our country. Farmers are no exception as we deal with concerns stemming from sudden and unprecedented shifts due to COVID-19. In the livestock sectors a lot of issues are arising from slow downs and shut downs in our processing chains. 

Written by Anna Haupt, McCutcheon Farms – Farm “Tails” From Moo to You 


Norfolk Farms / Issue 11

Fall 2019

Norfolk is the number one county in Canada for temporary seasonal workers and number one in Canada for the total number of employees, which include family members. 

Bus loads arrive in the downtown like clock work on Thursdays and Fridays. Trucks join the buses just to deliver the grocery shopping back to local farms and for shipment to their home countries. 

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